The Primary Guide to Growing Up, Relationships and Sex

'The Primary Guide to Growing Up, Relationships and Sex' is our resource for mainstream students at primary level. Complete with supporting lesson plans and resource packs, this title is available as an online resource and as a DVD.

The Primary Guide online resources

Using 3D animation throughout, the resource is divided into 5 main topics.  Each subject area has a menu featuring a series of video sequences that illustrate and explain in an informative and sensitive way.

Includes lesson plans with worksheets, these can be downloaded for free - please click here to download.

This Primary Guide also features enhanced easy read subtitles.  With carefully timed pauses these subtitles are larger and clearer and have a longer screen time to enhance comprehension.

This title is available as on online resource - visit our 'Online Resources' page  for more details.

The resource menu covers the following topics;

Growing up and body changes
This video explains and illustrates male and female body changes as they happened to Sonia and Bobby. 
That we all have different bodies, that they change at different times and to get help for any worries or concerns is emphasised.

Menstruation and periods 
This video begins with Sonia explaining about her first period.  Privacy and getting help for any worries or concerns is also emphasised. She explains about tampons and sanitary towels and how to use and dispose of them. Sonia also explains about Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS).

In this video Bobby and Sonia explain about how to keep clean. Each is shown showering, washing carefully and using soap correctly and drying properly afterwards.
Being private and getting help for any worries or concerns is emphasised.

Sex and attitudes 
This video discusses attitudes towards sex, where to seek advice and the age of consent. Sonia and Bobby explain that sex is a very important part of a relationship. The age of consent it explained and the possible consequences of under-age sex.

Consent and unwanted sexual advances 
This video explains about unwanted sexual advances and the right to say no. Illustrated in several sections of the resource, consent and also understanding 'no' is emphasised. The importance of saying ‘no’ and seeking help and the age of consent is explained.

Pregnancy and birth 
Sonia and Bobby explain about how a baby is made.  This video clearly but sensitively shows sexual reproduction and birth. That it is best to wait until you are ready to have a baby is emphasised. Finally they are shown at home looking after their new baby.

'Yes' and 'No' 
This part of the resource looks at consent and the importance of understanding 'yes' and 'no'.
Illustrated in several sections of the resource, consent and also understanding 'no' is explained. The age of consent is emphasised.

In this scene Sonia and Bobby explain about relationships, including straight and gay relationships.
They introduce us to two same sex couples, one male and one female, and emphasise trust and respect.

With easy read English subtitles in large clear text.

Includes an information and resource pack with useful viewing notes and guidance.

To order the online resource or DVD please go to Order

ISBN 978-0-9551735-7-8 - £49.99

Copyright © 2025 Life Support Productions