This resource is for children and young people with learning disabilities, autism and other additional educational needs. In an easy to use format and covering an extensive range of up to date topics, complete with lesson plans and learning outcomes. It is recommended to view the introduction video and read the lesson plans before viewing for the first time.
Inside this resource...
Growing up and looking after yourself
Growing up and body changes
This video explains and illustrates male and female body changes as they happened to Keisha and Joshua. That we all have different bodies, that they change at different times and to get help is emphasised.
Keeping clean
In this video Keisha and Joshua explain about how to keep clean. Each is shown showering, washing carefully, using soap correctly and drying properly afterwards. Being private and getting help for any worries or concerns is emphasised.
Keisha explains about her first period. Privacy and getting help for any worries or concerns is emphasised. She explains about tampons and sanitary towels and how to use and dispose of them. Some students may be anxious or embarrassed and teachers might find it easier to initiate discussion on a one to one basis.
Self examination, Boys and Men
Joshua explains why it is important to examine yourself. He then shows how to check your penis and testicles carefully and gently. Privacy and getting help for any worries or concerns is emphasised.
Self examination, Girls and Women
Keisha explains why it is important to examine yourself. She then shows how to check your breasts, vulva and vagina carefully and gently. Privacy and getting help for any worries or concerns is emphasised.
Joshua and Keisha explain about feeling lonely and that when they felt very lonely they talked to someone. Crushes, especially during teenage years, are explained and the importance of ‘being real’ and not having sex with strangers is emphasised.
Keisha explains how different women go through the menopause at different ages and with different symptoms. The importance of getting the right help and advice and knowing of the different symptoms and effects of menopause is explained.
Gender and Identity
This video looks at gender and identity. Joshua and Keisha explain that we all have our own identity, and how some people don’t feel right with their birth identity. We are introduced to two people who have chosen to change their gender identity, being supportive is emphasised.
Consent and relationships
Relationships and sex
Masturbation – Boys and Men
Joshua explains about being private and where to go to get help if you are worried about masturbation. This subject can cause embarrassment and some students may have questions that are best discussed one to one.
Masturbation – Girls and Women
Keisha explains about being private and where to go to get help if you are worried about masturbation. This subject can cause embarrassment and some students may have questions that are best discussed one to one.
This video discusses contraception, what it is and the different types available. Keisha and Joshua explain about using a new condom each time to prevent pregnancy and protect against infections. They explain about getting help.
Consent and no
Explains about unwanted sexual advances and consent. The importance of saying ‘no’ and seeking help is emphasised. A number of consent scenes show someone being approached and saying no. The age of consent and the importance of saying no are emphasised throughout.
This video is about different attitudes towards sex. Keisha and Joshua explain that sex can be an important part of a relationship and that other people will be concerned that you are safe. The age of consent is explained and the possible consequences of under-age sex.
Yes and no
Joshua and Keisha explain about consent. The importance of saying ‘no’ and of understanding when someone says ‘no’ is illustrated and explained. Keisha and Joshua’s relationship is explained, Joshua is shown asking Keisha and her saying ‘yes’.
Safer Sex
Safer sex and how to use contraception. They explain that they only have sex when they both want to. Privacy is emphasised and they are shown in their bedroom. Joshua puts on a condom and they have sex. The importance of respect and trust in relationships is explained.
Gay relationships and sex
Joshua and Keisha introduce their friends, Emily and Mia, George and Albie, who are same sex couples. Both couples are shown giving consent and then having sex in their bedrooms. Joshua emphasises the importance for gay men to use condoms when they have sex. The importance of respect and trust in relationships is explained.
Pregnancy and birth
Keisha and Joshua explain about pregnancy and that it is best to wait until you are ready to have a baby. They are then shown in their bedroom having sex. A simple animation shows a foetus developing into a baby before giving birth. Finally they are shown at home looking after their new baby.